
2024-03-29 00:19:22 综合百科 投稿:爱你的玫瑰
最佳答案特点:朝鲜民族早期的兴起和发展并不划一,然而总的说来有一个特点, 即同中国人之间的积极接触以及有时候也发生的斗争。从朝鲜族人民形成以种植稻米为中心的农业社会开始,他们的文化逐渐吸收积极中国文化的同时不断使其本土化,使其更好地为本民族服务。文学文化:韩国的文


特点:朝鲜民族早期的兴起和发展并不划一,然而总的说来有一个特点, 即同中国人之间的积极接触以及有时候也发生的斗争。从朝鲜族人民形成以种植稻米为中心的农业社会开始,他们的文化逐渐吸收积极中国文化的同时不断使其本土化,使其更好地为本民族服务。文学文化:韩国的文化受中国的影响十分明显,早在唐朝时期,朝鲜半岛的新罗国就专门派人到中国学习中国的文化以及治国的策略,有些东西照搬照抄地拿回去后经过本土化之后就吸收为自己的文化。并且,韩国是一个十分重视教育的国家,全国各类大专院校就数以千计。韩国现代社会文化:由朝鲜民族传统文化与现代社会流行文化相结合衍生而来,1948年朝鲜半岛南北对峙以来,南北韩的现代文化出现不同的发展。韩国现代社会文化是朝鲜民族文化现代化的产物,随着韩国经济和社会的发展,韩国人的衣食住行等生活方式也发生了变化,从而构筑了韩国现代文化,在亚洲和世界的流行被称为韩流。







I am Japanese and I have lived in 3 countries and speak the 3 languages also.


As, for the language, Korean is very very close to Japanese. Korean and Japanese are similar in grammer and other fundamental features. Chinese is quite different from Korean though many words are borrowed from Chinese. Therefore Korean people can learn Japanese fluently within short period of study and vice versa. Google translation is quite accurate between the two languages.


As for the culture, both. Close to Japanese in some cases, but some cases close to Chinese. I think Confucious influence is behind this. Some cases not like both.I would add my observation about how people WANT to say about this question. Just a tendency.


Korean people : they want to say Korean culture is not close to either. Korean culture is unique is the world.


Chinese people: they want to say Korean culture is close to China or even a part of Chinese culture


Japanese: they want to say Korean culture are different from Japanese culture.


Actually, the mutual understanding of three countries are limited and people are talking about each other based on own stand points without real experiences. I think people who understand the 3 languages would reach to the same opinion as I mentioned.



Both Japan and Korea were influenced by China a lot. Korea brought Chinese letters to write during Han dynasty, while it was Tang dynasty in Japan. That’s the reason why Chinese letters sound similar to each other among the three countries but all different.


So, my point is that Korean traditional culture was tremendously affected by China, but, still many cultural heritages from Japan have existed in Korean society. Many new vocabularies from western countries such as democracy , society and state are translated by Japanese and although these words are written in Chinese letters.

所以,我的观点是,韩国传统文化受到了中国的巨大影响,但是,仍然有许多来自日本的文化遗产存在于韩国社会。许多来自西方国家的新词汇,如民 主、社会和国家,都被日语翻译过来,尽管这些词是用中文字母写的。

it’s Japanese cultural heritage in that they accepted the new concepts from the western world and found the proper Chinese letters to express the words. Korea was a lot affected by Japanese in that sense. Many of the modern manners, cultural practices, social system and education system in Korea derived from Japan.


Another point is that actually we are living in the world where the culture is connected to the traditional norm, but also disconnected from it. Nobody is talking about the modern Chinese society. What can you come up with if you should think of Chinese traditional costume? Is that Chi-pao? That’s actually Manchrians’. Traditional Chinese costume that affected Japanese and Korean costume was Hanfu, but even a lot of Chinese don’t know how Hanfu looked like and has changed much.



Korean and Japanese are more similar with each other than with Chinese in terms of grammar structure and honorifics system, and both languages borrowed Chinese vocabulary into their own languages. Japanese language have quite lot of Chinese characters.


Old Korea was more similar with old China in terms of Confucianism. In China and Korea, Imperial Examination of the civil service system made Confucianism principle spread among ordinary people. But in old Japan, there was no civil service system, so there was no Imperial Examinations. The Confucianism principles were studied only by Japanese political elites, and did not affect ordinary Japanese people that much compared with China and Korea.


Modern Japan and modern South Korea are more similar with each other than with China in working culture. Japanese/Koreans work 14 hours a day from Monday to Sunday and are extremely loyal to their employers. Chinese work 12 hours a day from Monday to Saturday, and do not care about their employers at all. Many Koreans and Japanese stay in one company for their whole life, but Chinese change their jobs whenever they want.




标签: 韩国 特征